Miya's Story

Sold as a domestic servant…

Miya’s* father had died and her mother remarried and had two more children. They had a house, but after hitting financial difficulties, when a relative offered to buy it, they trusted him and gave it without signing a contract. Not only did he cheat them and gave no money, but when they went back to collect their belongings they had been stolen too. They were left penniless and Miya’s mother became sick and needed medicines which they couldn’t afford. So they decided to sell Miya as a domestic servant to a family. For Miya this was worse than being in prison, she was just twelve years old.

When my friends started the sewing school they managed to persuade the family Miya worked for, to let her attend sewing classes in the afternoons. But after some weeks they wanted her to return to the household duties and started to threaten Miya’s mother to send her back. On hearing the story of this young girl, we managed to raise enough money to buy her freedom back so she was able to come home and continue with her training at the sewing school. 

During a visit, I was in church when I saw a woman with a very contorted face and was told this was Miya’s mother. She came up for prayer and said she was in terrible pain, but as I started to pray sensed she was blaming God for all her troubles.

She confessed this was true and hadn’t stepped inside a church since her husband had died eleven years previously. She asked for forgiveness and cried many tears as we prayed. On finishing her face was completely transformed and all her pain had gone. The next night she came to another service and gave her life to God. Afterwards she explained she had been to the doctors that morning as she had a tumour in her stomach the size of a football, but on examination it had gone, her face was radiant! A few evenings later she brought her husband for prayer as he had very high blood pressure partially due his poor diet and hard labouring job. He too was healed and gave his life to God.

* All Names have been changed for security reasons.

New Life Art Ministries